COVID-19 + Life During Quarantining

We are currently in very strange and unprecedented times in the United States. States are ordering citizens to shelter in place and to practice social distancing. Some people are able to work from home, while many others are losing their jobs and ways of making an income.

The SARS-CoV-19 (more colloquially known as COVID-19) pandemic is wrecking havoc on the world, and in turn has left me with a lot of extra days at home.

Life During the Quarantine

I took time on Saturday to finally take the Enneagram Personality Test. “The Enneagram is a personality system that aims to reveal how emotions drive our lives and how we engage with others in an effort to get what we want and need. The Enneagram defines nine personality types, each with its own set of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for personal growth. Your Enneagram type reveals what motivates you on a very deep level, and illuminates the path you must take to achieve a higher level of self-actualization.”

Not surprising at all once I read the personality types, I received a 99% match to type one, also known as The Perfectionist. It’s all about following rules and doing things correctly, which is me to a tee. A friend sent me the hierarchy of needs of an enneagram one and it honestly made me chuckle because it made sense; it told me absolutely nothing that I didn’t know about myself already.

The hierarchy of needs for different enneagram types see above can be found @justmyenneatype. If you haven’t taken the enneagram test and you’re interested in learning more about your personality, I linked it above the picture! The Instagram linked above is just one of many instagrams that share photographs of different enneagram personality types.

What does this mean for me? How does this help me cope with the stress of recent life changes due to COVID-19? Am I coping or just existing?

You know, I knew about my personality before taking this test. But by seeing how this specific personality type lays out its needs, it has allowed me to think about the best ways of reaching personal satisfaction and success in this strange time. It’s spending some time alone, making a schedule, checking up on loved ones and falling deeply into the world of books.

As for making a schedule, with my current employment I live on a very strange schedule to begin with. I work weird hours making my sleep schedule all over the place. I eat at weird times. I have random days off. I want to use this unforeseen break to create a new routine (one that I hope will be broken soon).

So I made a to-do list for myself while I’m home. One thing per day or more on one day and lazy time a full day later (I’m working on being flexible). All things I would’ve needed to accomplish anyway, but this way I don’t spend 10+ days on the couch mindlessly bingeing television/Netflix/Disney+.

  1. Finish taxes (yes, I know the deadline has been extended).
  2. Clean off back porch to create workout space.
  3. Write blog posts about finished books (2 behind).
  4. Finish bridesmaid boxes.
  5. Reach out to more florists + djs.
  6. Clean up + out guest bedroom.
  7. Dust the house.
  8. Read 2+ books.
  9. Take a walk/exercise every single day.

These are all achievable tasks. It’s just going to take time and effort to make them all happen.

More About Where I’ve Been

Some times working on a blog can be challenging (ie why I’m on + off this blog more frequently than most). I often feel like I don’t have enough to contribute to the conversation, whether it’s about books or life. I know that this is just my own insecurities coming to the brim as I type posts and then delete them for fear of judgment. But I’m working on that. Less insecurity, less fear of judgements of others.

So for now, I am here. Where are all of you? How are you coping with the new and changing stress in the pandemic environment?

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